With their advanced programming and automation, robotic pool cleaners make easy work of the cleaning exercise. They’re extremely efficient, and here’s a look at how they work, how to use them, and why they’re simply the best option for keeping your swimming pool spotless.

A Brief Introduction to Robotic Pool Cleaners

Regardless of your pool size and shape, you’ll find a robotic pool cleaner highly effective. The equipment uses an electric motor that sucks out all lose particles from the pool. Most models have rotating brushes that make the removal of stubborn debris from pool surfaces a breeze.

How Does a Robotic Pool Cleaner Work?

Powered by low voltage, a robotic pool cleaner smoothly maneuvers around the bottom and sides of the pool, sucking up all dirt and storing it in an attached filter bag. Thanks to digital technology, most models can be programmed, such as to set up a cleaning schedule, and others support remote control via a smartphone app. Guided by built-in sensors, some advanced robotic cleaners can detect the geometry of the pool and customize the cleaning routine accordingly.

What Use Robotic Pool Cleaners?

Robotic pool cleaners offer the following advantages:

  • Greater autonomy: Built-in sensors allow the equipment to map out the pool and autonomously maneuver surfaces and corners without missing any debris.
  • Cost savings: Their efficient operations leave your pool spotless with every single run. They also consume little energy compared to other automatic models.
  • Time savings: You can program a robotic pool cleaner to operate without your hands-on involvement. This autonomous operation can free up your time for other tasks or household chores.
  • Easy to maintain: Robotic pool cleaners are low-maintenance and aren’t usually costly to repair.
  • Equipment independence: A robotic cleaner doesn’t rely on any existing pool cleaning equipment to operate. It won’t contribute to your pool filter’s wear and tear.

How Frequently Should You Use Your Robotic Pool Cleaner?

As a rule of thumb, how often you use your swimming pool determines the right cleanup calendar. You may deploy the robot once a day or at least every two days in summer time. Once a week may be enough to keep the amenity clean over colder months or when you’re not using it a lot.

How to Keep Your Robotic Pool Cleaner in Good Shape?

Follow these practices to maintain and optimize the efficiency of your robotic pool cleaner:

  • Remove from water after use
  • Clean the filter bag and drain water from the cleaner after use
  • Rinse the robot to remove any chemical deposits
  • Dislodge any particles or dirt stuck on the robot’s brushes, tracks, or wheels
  • Replace worn out brushes
  • Coil the power cord onto the robot’s holder after use
  • Call a robotic pool cleaner technician to fix the equipment if it malfunctions

Relax and Enjoy a Sparkling Clear Pool with Our Professional Pool Cleaning Services

Enjoy a clean and safe swimming pool without the hassle of operating or maintaining cleaning equipment. At Sparkling Clear Pools, our pool cleaning professionals are dedicated to providing exceptional service. Contact us anytime to discuss your pool cleaning needs, and let us take care of keeping your pool sparkling clear, and ready for use!


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